
Wandered over here from GR. They need to get their shit together, man.

Brothers of the Wild North Sea
Harper Fox
The Happy Onion
Ally Blue
Liar's Waltz
Becky Black
The Only Gold
Tamara Allen
Carole Cummings
Evenfall (In the Company of Shadows, #1)
Santino Hassell, Ais
All Together: The All Trilogy Complete Digital Edition
Dirk Vanden
The Lion's Pride (The Falcon Banner Cycle, #3)
Christopher P. Lydon
December 2013
updated shelf:
Soulless - T. Baggins
finished reading:
November 2013
updated shelf:
A Slave in Skoria - John Tristan
finished reading:
November 2013
finished reading:
November 2013
How is this not a full-length novel? I could just read this forever.
El Presidio Rides North - Domashita Romero,  地下ロメロ,  neomeruru
reviewed: The Last Rebellion
I hate short stories. I really do. I rarely read them because I like a stor...
The Last Rebellion - Lisa Henry
finished reading:
finished reading:
November 2013
reviewed: Threshold (Whyborne & Griffin, #2)
Still great. Can't wait for the next.
Threshold - Jordan L. Hawk
reviewed: Widdershins (Whyborne & Griffin)
Well, that was marvelous. It sort of follows the loose formula for these ki...
Widdershins - Jordan L. Hawk
November 2013
finished reading:
November 2013
reviewed: Shock & Awe (A Sidewinder Story)
My, my. Now I feel a bit bad for giving Roux a hard time about Touch & Geau...
Shock & Awe - Abigail Roux
reviewed: Touch & Geaux (Cut & Run)
This series jumped the shark several books ago, but I keep reading for the ...
Touch & Geaux - Abigail Roux
finished reading:
finished reading:
November 2013
started following:
October 2013
reviewed: Glitterland
Alexis Hall probably deserves a better rating as an author; but this partic...
Glitterland - Alexis Hall
finished reading:
October 2013
updated shelf:
Brothers of the Wild North Sea - Harper Fox
updated shelf:
Kestrel's Chance - Harper Fox
October 2013
Oh wow. This book stars an Icelandic Viking whose back is almost covered in a tattoo of Yggdrasil: the legendary Tree of Life...
started reading:

Currently reading

Brothers of the Wild North Sea - Harper Fox
Brothers of the Wild North Sea
Harper Fox
The Happy Onion - Ally Blue
The Happy Onion
Ally Blue
Liar's Waltz - Becky Black
Liar's Waltz
Becky Black
The Only Gold - Tamara Allen
The Only Gold
Tamara Allen
Dream - Carole Cummings
Carole Cummings
Evenfall (In the Company of Shadows, #1) - Santino Hassell,  Ais
Evenfall (In the Company of Shadows, #1)
Santino Hassell, Ais
All Together: The All Trilogy Complete Digital Edition - Dirk Vanden
All Together: The All Trilogy Complete Digital Edition
Dirk Vanden
The Lion's Pride (The Falcon Banner Cycle, #3) - Christopher P. Lydon
The Lion's Pride (The Falcon Banner Cycle, #3)
Christopher P. Lydon