
Wandered over here from GR. They need to get their shit together, man.

El Presidio Rides North - Domashita Romero,  地下ロメロ,  neomeruru How is this not a full-length novel? I could just read this forever.

The Last Rebellion

The Last Rebellion - Lisa Henry I hate short stories. I really do. I rarely read them because I like a story I can sink my teeth into. I like a narrative, world-building, character development, sexual tension. I've never really felt that any story less than 150 pages could pull that off. Oh holy jesus, I was wrong.

Threshold (Whyborne & Griffin, #2)

Threshold - Jordan L. Hawk Still great. Can't wait for the next.

Widdershins (Whyborne & Griffin)

Widdershins - Jordan L. Hawk Well, that was marvelous. It sort of follows the loose formula for these kinds of M/M historical/mystery/paranormal novels. You know; shy, retiring academic is brought out of himself by a more outgoing, worldly man. They have to co-operate to solve a mystery, they share a life-threatening experience, friendship ensues, then intimacy, cue sequel. Alway with these things, the reader's enjoyment is determined by the quality of the writing and I absolutely enjoyed this. It was gloriously creepy. Well worth a read if you enjoy the subgenre.

Shock & Awe (A Sidewinder Story)

Shock & Awe - Abigail Roux My, my. Now I feel a bit bad for giving Roux a hard time about Touch & Geaux, because this was seriously the hottest, dirtiest thing I've read all year. More please!

Touch & Geaux (Cut & Run)

Touch & Geaux - Abigail Roux This series jumped the shark several books ago, but I keep reading for the sentimental value. I'm quite fond of Ty and Zane, even if I sometimes get them confused. And their over-the-top antics are generally amusing before they wear thin. Some of this book reminded me of Roux's The Archer, which was a bit of a hot mess, actually. Anyway, I'll keep buying her books because I feel like I have an emotional stake in the characters, but I don't know how much more disbelief I can suspend.


Glitterland - Alexis Hall Alexis Hall probably deserves a better rating as an author; but this particular book fell short of amazing for me for all the reasons that Emma explained. The writing felt a bit pretentious, which, okay, can be justified by having the main character be an author, but I feel that it was incongruous in the very mundane setting of this book. I also just couldn't connect with either Ash or Darian. Ash because of his douchebaggery and Darian because just no. So while the writing is very good, it made me feel a bit disconnected, janarwhatamean?

The Absolutist

The Absolutist - John Boyne My god, that was sad. It's not really a romance, more a tale of frustrated desire wrapped up in an indictment of the First World War, and it's beautifully done. It's a very understated novel; Boyne manages to capture the horror and despair of the trenches very clearly and without trying too hard to be graphic or shocking. I felt great empathy towards his characters, despite (or maybe because of) their flaws. I'm not sure if 'enjoyed' is the right word to use, but I read it start to finish without reading anything in between, so it has to be good. But certainly it's one of those novels where, right from the very start, you know it can't end well.
The Case of the Missing Twin 2 - Derek Adams So, apparently you can have too much sex with random strangers.


Well, I didn't really think this whole GR debacle would turn into such a hot mess. And while I felt appropriately outraged, I couldn't imagine leaving. But I don't really see the point in being part of a book community when its chief members emigrate to greener (less censor-y) pastures. So, I, too have jumped ship; because I'm nothing if not a follower. Anyway, I look forward to us finding our feet together here. 

The Adventures of Miles Diamond: The Case of the Missing Twin - Derek Adams So, this reads like a private-detective-noir version of a James Lear novel. And it's actually quite great. It's unrepentantly cheesy, but also very funny. And filthy. On to the next...
Indiscretion - Jack Greene I couldn't tell you whether this book is any good, but I can tell you that I enjoyed quite a bit more than I expected. Thing is, it hit all my guilty pleasure spots: big blonde possessive top, temperamental brunette, gfy, clandestine romance, crazy hotness. So, um, yeah, I was really into it.
Spook Squad - Jordan Castillo Price 3.5 stars rounded up.

This series hit a peak around Camp Hell for me, but it feels a bit like the shine's worn off. For all that I was enjoying Victor's personal growth throughout the series, he seemed to have regressed a bit here. I spent a lot of time rolling my eyes at what a gigantic baby he was being for quite a bit of this book. Also, this one was not as dirty hot as the others. I've got hand it to JCP, though, she knows how to write a good exorcism.
The Magpie Lord - K.J. Charles That was fucking excellent.
The Gifted One - Jacob Z. Flores This book didn't sit well with me. I found the metaphors and similes too florid, and it seemed to me an uneasy balance of extremely gory and violent and extremely cheesy. So, I was all set to one-star it. But then this line happened: 'I'll squash your baby head if I have to' (in reference to a demonic baby clown). That kind of giggles deserves an extra star.
The Lodestar of Ys - Amy Rae Durreson That was seriously wonderful. But waaaay too short. But it was free. So I'm giving it 5 stars. Fantastic UST. Great banter. Awesome characters. God, I just wish there was more of it.

Currently reading

Brothers of the Wild North Sea
Harper Fox
The Happy Onion
Ally Blue
Liar's Waltz
Becky Black
The Only Gold
Tamara Allen
Carole Cummings
Evenfall (In the Company of Shadows, #1)
Santino Hassell, Ais
All Together: The All Trilogy Complete Digital Edition
Dirk Vanden
The Lion's Pride (The Falcon Banner Cycle, #3)
Christopher P. Lydon